Tuesday, 25 March 2014


beanup: Is it to early for some soft porn……? #NEVER


Is it to early for some soft porn……? #NEVER

keepcalmwearetimeless: In one line, Hook summed up one of Once...


In one line, Hook summed up one of Once Upon a Time’s mission statements: It’s better to open your heart, even if there’s a chance of it breaking, than to close it off to ever feeling love. That’s why he was happy—not because Emma’s heart was broken but because she was brave enough to love again after closing herself off to it for so long. I saw that line as Hook wanting to give Emma hope because she gave him hope. He was reminding her that he understands what a broken heart feels like but also reassuring her that, though she feels pain now, she might one day feel love again. But the only way that can happen is for her to face her fears of getting hurt and allow herself to believe she can love again. It took me back to the scene in “New York City Serenade” where Snow told Regina that allowing yourself to feel, even if it’s painful, is the only way you will ever be able to experience happiness and love again. [x]

Dancing with the Klingons (x)

Dancing with the Klingons (x)
